Happy New Year Huff.
Fellow Europrez and Village Idiot Darryl came all the way from California to visit Huff.
Huff is very tolerant and lets Kate tickle his feet and tummy. Oh, the indignity!
A quiet month for this hedgehog, although we did try to introduce him to his reflection.
Exploring and hiding.
Exploring and hiding again.
Huff in his bag.
At EP9
gave us two new Hedgie bags for Huff.
Huff also finds an interesting bit of carpet.
Huff's second birthday.
He liked his new (smelly) rubber toys but seemed to prefer the bits of chicken
we had hidden on his toybox.
Jeff Bacon, the Europrez Listmeister, came visit us again and brought Gina (the maker of the Hedgie bags) with him this time.