Happy New Year Huff.
Unfortunately, Huff has been quite unwell
Huff has developed a fascination with cardboard tubes. Don't worry he hasn't got stuck, yet.
Huff found the taste of this dog lead irrisistible! Although he got bored after a while and hid.
He likes shoes...
We bought a "cat tormenter" to tease him with. He seems to enjoy grabbing it an running off as far as it will let him.
When my mother came to visit, he spent a whole evening annointing himself with the dog's bed.
Not many photos this month. However, it was his birthay on the 1st, so he got lots of presents.
Huff about the house.
Now that he is a big boy and slightly better house trained, he gets to explore more of the flat.
Huff finds bike gloves rather interesting. Shame he doesn't fit...
Huff finds the leather of my briefcase irrisitable...
Huff has got a brand new bag!
Jeff Bacon, the Europrez Listmeister,
came to do some Christmas shopping and brought Huff a present from
He loves it, thanks Gina and Jeff