This years Europrez meeting was in the Hotel Tieffenbach am Grüner Baum in
Bullange/Büllingen, a small town in the German speaking part of Belgium,
not far from Spa.
My foot is still bad and as I have not been able to ride at all this year, we
went by car
For almost all of the EP meetings that we have attended, we have imposed ourselves upon Carlo and Gabi's excellent hospitality both on the way there and on the way back again and this year was no exception. This year they had a full house, with a couple of thier cousens joining us for the weekend together with Lucy and Maura who had flown up to join in the riding. A friend of Silvia's also joined us for the evening:
After an uneventful drive across Belguim we arrived at the Hotel ready to greet everyone as they arrived:
Sandro arrived with a nail in his tyre.
Then a lovely dinner and I won't hear a word said against the soup...
Up and out ready for the ride.
We waved everyone off.
Before following in the car.
The weather could have been better.
Photo stop.
We met up again for lunch in Vianden, a small town in Luxembourg overlooked by a fantastic castle. After lunch we went up and did a tour of the castle.
In the afternoon, after the castle tour, we took a chairlift up the next hill for coffee.
Back at the hotel people were trying the various 'delcacies' brought along, and Ton and Karin arrived.
Dinner and the usual tomfoolery.
Again in the rain preparing for the day's ride.
Waving them off again.
We met up again for lunch, and then waved them off again.
Then we wandered round for a while. The town was very pretty but someone had stolen part of the river.
We drove back through Spa, you would never guess there was a world famous racing cicuit there...
Dinner, with the Grappa Tree and knitting lessons.
Now we know where our butter comes from.
Our turn to leave but we met up with a few prez's for lunch in a very picturesque German town.
After another night of Caro and Gabbi's hospitality we set off in the rain for home. We did have a bit of a fright pulling on to the XXX from the E17 at Gent, we were just pulling onto the motorway from the slip road when we were confronted with this: